Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Aminotransferase

    Any enzyme that catalyses the reaction of transamination. Enzymes that catalyze the transfer of an amino group (-NH2 or -NH3) from one carbon chain to another.  

  • Aminopeptidase

    An enzyme secreted in the pancreatic juice which removes amino acids sequentially from the free amino terminal of a peptide or protein (i.e. the end that has a free amino group exposed. Since it works at the end of the peptide chain, it is an exopeptidase.  

  • Aminogram

    A diagrammatic representation of the amino acid composition of a protein. A plasma aminogram is the composition of the free amino acid pool in blood plasma.  

  • Aminoaciduria

    Excretion of abnormal amounts of one or more amino acids in the urine, usually as a result of a genetic disease. Abnormal presence of amino acids in the urine, usually a result of a metabolic defect. An excessive amount of one or more amino acids in the urine. Excess amino acids in the urine.  

  • Amino acid profile

    The amino acid composition of a protein. Also known as “protein quality,” this refers to a quantitative delineation of how much of each amino acid is contained in a given source of (livestock feed or food) protein. For example, the amino acid profile of soybean meal is matched closest to the profile of amino acids…

  • Ames test

    An in vitro test for the ability of chemicals, including potential food additives, to cause mutation in bacteria (the mutagenic potential). Commonly used as a preliminary screening method to detect substances likely to be carcinogenic. A simple bacterial-based test for carcinogens that was developed by Bruce Ames in 1961. Although this test evaluates mutagenesis (i.e.,…

  • Amenorrhoea

    Cessation of menstruation, normally occurring between the ages of 40 and 55 (the menopause), but sometimes at an early age, especially as a result of severe under-nutrition (as in anorexia nervosa) when body weight falls below about 45 kg. Absence of menstruation. The absence of one or more menstrual periods, usual during pregnancy and after…

  • Alpha linkage (cx-linkage)

    Bond formed by ring closure of a sugar with the hydroxyl group to the right of the chain in the Fischer projection formula (q.v.).  

  • Alpha helix (α-helix)

    Common secondary structure in proteins. A highly regular (i.e., repeating) structural feature that occurs in certain large molecules. First discovered in protein molecules by Linus Pauling in the late 1940’s.  

  • Allotriophagy

    An unnatural desire for abnormal foods; also known as cissa, cittosis, and pica. A perversion of appetite with ingestion of material not suitable as food, such as starch, clay, ashes, or plaster.  

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