Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Folinic acid

    The 5-formyl derivative of the vitamin folic acid; more stable to oxidation than folic acid itself, and commonly used in pharmaceutical preparations. The synthetic (racemic) compound is known as leucovorin. The active form of folic acid. It is used in counteracting the effects of folic acid antagonists, and in treating anemia due to folic acid…

  • Foam cells

    Macrophages that have accumulated very large amounts of cholesterol as a result of uptake of (chemically modified) low-density lipoprotein. They infiltrate arterial walls and lead to the development of fatty streaks, and eventually atherosclerosis. A cell that contains vacuoles; a lipid-filled macrophage.  

  • Fluoroapatite

    Crystal incorporating fluoride that forms tooth enamel.  

  • Flavoproteins

    Enzymes that contain the vitamin riboflavin, or a derivative such as flavin adenine dinucleotide or riboflavin phosphate, as the prosthetic group. Mainly involved in oxidation reactions in metabolism. An enzyme containing a flavin nucleotide as a prosthetic group. A compound consisting of a protein bound to either FAD or FMN (called flavins). Flavoproteins are constituents…

  • Flavin mononucleotide (FMN)

    (Chemically riboflavin phosphate) One of the coenzymes derived from vitamin B2. Riboflavin phosphate, a coenzyme of certain oxido-reduction enzymes. A nucleotide coenzyme containing riboflavin.  

  • Flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD)

    One of the coenzymes formed from vitamin B2 (riboflavin). A hydrogen carrier in cellular respiration. The coenzyme of some oxidation-reduction enzymes; it contains riboflavin. A hydrogen carrier in the citric acid cycle of cell respiration; it is a derivative of riboflavin. A vital coenzyme ubiquitous in living cells, performing the function of a hydrogen carrier.…

  • Flavin

    The group of compounds containing the iso-alloxazine ring structure, as in riboflavin (vitamin B2), and hence a general term for riboflavin derivatives. Also known as lyochrome. One of a group of pale yellow, greenly fluorescing biological pigments widely distributed in small quantities in plant and animal tissues. Flavins are synthesized only by bacteria, yeast, and…

  • Fischer projection formula

    Simple method of representing the configuration of stereogenic centres of chemical structures as the intersection of vertical and horizontal lines.  

  • Fibre, crude

    The term given to the indigestible part of foods, defined as the residue left after successive extraction under closely specified conditions with petroleum ether, 1.25% sulphuric acid, and 1.25% sodium hydroxide, minus ash. No real relation to dietary fibre. The indigestible carbohydrate constituent of foodstuffs. It is kept at low levels in formulated foods, especially…

  • Fertility

    The ability to reproduce, which differs from fecundability, which is the ability of a woman to become pregnant. The capacity to conceive or induce conception. The fact of being fertile. The biological capacity to reproduce. Human fertility varies with age. A woman’s fertility begins with the onset of menstruation, peaks when she reaches her 20s,…

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