Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Hydrogenation

    Conversion of liquid oils to semi-hard fats by the addition of hydrogen to the unsaturated double bonds. A process employed to alter the chemical and physical properties of a fat or oil. Generally, hydroge- nation is used to change a liquid oil into a semisolid or solid fat at ambient temperature and to enhance oxidative…

  • Hydrogenated oils

    Liquid oils hardened by hydrogenation.  

  • Hunger


    A condition in which people lack the basic food intake to provide them with the energy and nutrients for fully productive, active lives; it is an outcome of food insecurity. The strong desire or a craving for food. A sensation produced by a physiological need for food. Physiologic drive to consume food. Sensation of needing…

  • Human genome project

    International collaboration of laboratories to decipher the DNA sequence of the entire human genome. A multinational research effort begun in 1987 to map the entire sequence of the human genome. It was originally believed to be a project that would possibly take decades to complete. However, with the various technological advances that occurred, scientists completed…

  • Homogenisation

    Emulsions usually consist of a suspension of globules of varying size. Homo¬ genisation reduces these globules to a smaller and more uniform size.  

  • Holoenzyme

    An enzyme protein together with its coenzyme or prosthetic group. The entire, functionally complete enzyme. The term is used to designate an enzyme that requires a coenzyme in order for it to function (possess catalytic abilities). The holoenzyme consists of the protein part (apoenzyme) plus a dialyzable, nonprotein coenzyme part that is bound to the…

  • Hydroxymethylglutaryl CoA (HMG CoA) reductase inhibitors

    Drugs that inhibit the enzyme HMG CoA reductase, the controlling enzyme of cholesterol synthesis, used in the treatment of hypercholesterolaemia.  

  • Histones

    Proteins rich in arginine and lysine that occur mainly in the cell nucleus and are concerned with the regulation of DNA. Proteins rich in basic amino acids (e.g., lysine) found complexed with chromosomes of all eucaryotic cells except sperm where the DNA is specifically complexed with another group of basic proteins, the protamines. Conserved DNA-binding…

  • Hexoses

    Six-carbon monosaccharides such as glucose or fructose. A 6-carbon sugar. A monosaccharide that contains six carbon atoms. A simple sugar with six carbon atoms. Hexose sugars are the sugars most frequently found in food. The most important hexose is glucose.  

  • Hesperidin

    A flavonoid found in the pith of unripe citrus fruits; a complex of glucose and rhamnose with the flavonone hesperin. A citrus bioflavonoid found in the membranes and peel of lemons and oranges.  

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