Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Hypocalcaemia

    Low blood calcium, leading to vomiting and uncontrollable twitching of muscles if severe; may be due to underactivity of the parathyroid gland, kidney failure, or vitamin D deficiency. An unusually low amount of calcium in the blood, which can cause tetany. A serum concentration of calcium below the normal range (between 2.33 and 3.05 mmol…

  • Hypo

    Prefix meaning below the normal range, or abnormally low. Same as hypodermic syringe. An attack of hypoglycaemia, experienced, e.g., by people who are diabetic.  

  • Hypervitaminosis

    Toxicity due to excessively high intakes of vitamins. Symptoms of ill health resulting from the ingestion of large amounts of a vitamin. A condition caused by taking too many synthetic vitamins, especially Vitamins A and D. Clinical condition resulting from excessive intake of certain vitamins, such as vitamin A and vitamin D. A condition due…

  • Hypertonic

    A solution more concentrated than the body fluids. A solution with a higher osmotic pressure (greater solute concentration) than a standard solution, usually water or physiological saline, hypotonic. Referring to a solution which has a higher osmotic pressure than another specified solution. Referring to a muscle which is under unusually high tension. Hypertonic refers to…

  • Hypersalivation


    Excessive flow of saliva.  

  • Hyperphosphataemia

    Excessively high blood concentration of phosphate. Hyperphosphatemia refers to an unusually high level of phosphates in the blood. This condition typically arises due to reduced phosphate excretion caused by impaired kidney function or kidney failure. Additionally, it may be linked to hypoparathyroidism (insufficient activity of the parathyroid gland) or hypocalcemia (low blood calcium levels). One…

  • Hyperlipidaemia (hyperlipoproteinaemia)

    A variety of conditions in which there are increased concentrations of lipids in plasma: phospholipids, triacylglycerols, free and esterified cholesterol, or unesterified fatty acids. The pathological increase of the amount of lipids, or fat, in the blood. An excess of fat in the blood, characterizing a group of metabolic disorders. The two most important fats…

  • Hyperkinetic syndrome (hyperkinesis)

    Mental disorder of children, characterised by excessive activity and impaired attention and learning ability. Has been attributed to adverse reactions to food additives, but there is little evidence. A disorder of childhood or adolescence characterized by over-activity, restlessness, distractibility, short attention span, and difficulties in learning and perceptual motor function. Believed in some cases to…

  • Hyperkalaemia

    Excessively high blood concentration of potassium. A condition in which too much potassium occurs in the blood, which can result in cardiac arrest. Various possible causes include kidney failure and chemotherapy. A concentration of potassium in the plasma that is above the normal range. It is often caused by renal failure or by excessive intake…

  • Hyperinsulinism

    Excessive secretion of insulin, resulting in hypoglycaemia. Too much insulin in the blood which lowers the blood sugar level and produces insulin shock. The reaction of a diabetic to ag excessive dose of insulin or to hypoglycaemia. Excess of the hormone insulin; abnormal production usually is caused by a tumor (insulinoma) or exogenous administration; may…

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