Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Integrated pest management (IPM)

    A flexible approach to pest management that draws upon a range of methods to produce a result that combines the greatest value to the farmer with environmentally acceptable and sustainable outcomes. A holistic (system) approach utilized by farmers to try to control agricultural pests (e.g., tobacco budworm, European com borer, soybean cyst nematode, etc.) which…

  • Insulinaemic index

    The rise in blood insulin elicited by a test dose of a carbohydrate food compared with that after an equivalent dose of glucose.  

  • Insulin resistance

    Changes in the biological activity of insulin-sensitive peripheral tissues, which result in reduced disposal of nutrients such as glucose from the plasma for any given concentration of insulin. A condition where one needs relatively more insulin to maintain blood glucose in a normal range. Defective use of the insulin that is produced. A condition in…

  • Inosine monophosphate (IMP)

    One of the purine nucleotides.  

  • Ingredient

    Any substance used in the manufacture or preparation of a foodstuff and still present in the finished product, even if in an altered form. Contaminants and adulterants are not considered to be ingredients. The name of an item called for by a recipe—an ingredient—is closely related to some surprising words, including aggression and congress. The…

  • Indigestion


    Discomfort and distension of the stomach after a meal, also known as dyspepsia, including heartburn. An inability or difficulty in digesting food. A disturbance of the normal process of digestion, where the person experiences pain or discomfort in the stomach. Symptom complex consisting of nonspecific abdominal distress ostensibly due to incomplete or abnormal breakdown of…

  • Index of nutritional quality (INQ)

    An attempt to provide an overall figure for the nutrient content of a food or a diet. It is the ratio between the percentage of the reference intake of each nutrient and the percentage of the average requirement for energy provided by the food.  

  • Ileum

    Last portion of the small intestine, between the jejunum and the colon (large intestine). The lower two-thirds of the small intestine, ending in the ileocecal valve and emptying into the cecum of the colon. The last foot of the ileum is the only absorption site available for such important dietary substances as vitamin B12, folic…

  • Ileostomy


    Surgical formation of an opening of the ileum on the abdominal wall, performed to treat severe ulcerative colitis. Surgically created opening in the lower small intestine (ileum), brought to the abdominal surface for the purpose of evacuating feces. May be temporary or permanent. A surgical operation to make an opening between the ileum and the…

  • Idiosyncrasy

    Unusual and unexpected sensitivity or reaction to a drug or food. A peculiar susceptibility to some foreign substance or physical agent. A way of behaving which is particular to one person. Characteristic or manner unique to an individual or group. An unusual and unexpected sensitivity exhibited by an individual to a particular drug or food.…

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