Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Lymphatics

    Vessels through which the lymph flows, draining from the tissues and entering the bloodstream at the thoracic duct. A vascular channel that transports lymph; singular is sometimes used as an adjective to describe the quality of being sluggish.  

  • Lycopene


    Red carotenoid, not vitamin A active. Antioxidant carotenoid found in red foods. Closely related to beta-carotene, lycopene gives rise to the red colouring in vegetables, particularly tomatoes, and is thought to have a significant antioxidant role. A carotene-like compound that has no vitamin activity. An antioxidant red carotenoid pigment found in tomatoes and other red…

  • Luxus konsumption

    An outdated term for diet- induced thermogenesis.  

  • Lower reference nutrient intake (LRNI)

    Set 2 standard deviations below the ear for a nutrient. Intakes of nutrients below this point will almost certainly be inadequate for most individuals.  

  • Low birthweight (LBW)

    Low birthweight (LBW)

    Used as shorthand to describe babies born at weight less than 2.5 kg. Average birthweight is close to 3.5 kg (WHO reference mean). LBW can result from delivery before term (preterm) or from intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) due to many causes including fetal undernutrition.  

  • Listeria

    A genus of bacteria commonly found in soil of which the commonest is Listeria monocytogenes. They can cause food poisoning (listeriosis). A genus of bacteria found in domestic animals and in unpasteurised milk products which can cause uterine infection or meningitis. Genus within the family Corymebacteriaceae, short Gram-positive non-sporing motile rods. The organisms grow aerobically…

  • Lipotropes (lipotrophic factors)

    Compounds such as choline, betaine and methionine that act as methyl donors; deficiency may result in fatty infiltration of the liver.  

  • Liposuction


    Procedure for removal of subcutaneous adipose tissue in obese people using a suction pump device. The surgical removal of fatty tissue for cosmetic reasons. A surgery that uses a suction device to permanently remove unwanted deposits of fat tissue and reshape specific body parts. Liposuction can be performed on the abdomen and waist, hips, buttocks,…

  • Lipoic acid

    Chemically, dithio-octanoic acid, a coenzyme (together with vitamin B1) in the metabolism of pyruvate and in the citric acid cycle. Although it is an essential growth factor for various microorganisms, there is no evidence that it is a human dietary requirement. A critical coenzyme in the oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate and a-ketoglutarate. It participates in…

  • Lipofuscin

    A group of pigments that accumulate in several body tissues, particularly the myocardium, and are associated with the ageing process. Granules of pigments found in aging tissues; highly insoluble lipid-protein complexes held together by multiple cross-linkages. Insoluble fatty pigment present in cardiae and smooth muscle cells; represents indigestible portions of cells that have been phagocytosed…

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