Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Menaquinones

    Bacterial metabolites with vitamin K activity; vitamin K2.  

  • Menadione, menaphthone, menaphtholdiacetate

    Synthetic compounds with vitamin K activity; vitamin K3/ sometimes known as menaquinone-0.  

  • Megavitamin therapy

    Treatment of diseases with very high doses of vitamins, many times the reference intakes; little or no evidence for its efficacy; vitamins A, D and B6 are known to be toxic at high levels of intake. Treatment of a disease with large dosages of vitamins. The consumption or administration of vitamins in dosages exceeding the…

  • Medium-chain triacylglycerols

    Triacylglycerols containing medium-chain (C:10-12) fatty acids, used in treatment of malabsorption; they are absorbed more rapidly than conventional fats, and the products of their digestion are transported to the liver, rather than in chylomicrons.  

  • MaxEPA

    Trade name for a standardised mixture of long-chain marine fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic (EPA, C20:5 ω3) and docosohexaenoic (DHA, C22:6 ω3) acids.  

  • Maternal death

    Death of a woman whilst pregnant or within 42 days of delivery. The death of a mother during pregnancy, childbirth or up to twelve months after childbirth.  

  • Mast cells

    Cells found predominantly in connective tissue, although a specialised population of mast cells is found in mucosal sites (e.g. the gut). Following degranulation, mast cells release preformed and newly synthesised mediators of inflammation, including histamine. Fixed (noncirculating) cells that are present in many different kinds of body tissues. When two IgE molecules of the same…

  • Market economy

    An economic system in which decisions about the allocation of resources and production are made on the basis of prices generated by voluntary exchanges among producers, consumers, workers, and owners of the factors of production (i.e. land, labour and capital).  

  • Market

    Any context in which the sale and purchase of goods and services takes place. There need be no physical entity corresponding to the market; it might consist of a global telecommunications network on which company shares are traded. The characteristics of the buyers of health services; also can mean the geographical area to which services…

  • Marasmic kwashiorkor

    The most severe form of protein energy malnutrition in children, with weight for height less than 60% of that expected, and with oedema and other symptoms of kwashiorkor.  

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