Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Myxoedema

    Low metabolic rate as a result of hypothyroidism, commonly the result of iodine deficiency. A condition caused when the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone. The person, often a middle-aged woman, becomes overweight, moves slowly and develops coarse skin. It can be treated with thyroxine. A situation where the skin and other bodily…

  • Myristic acid

    A medium-chain saturated fatty acid (C14:0).  

  • Myoglobin

    Haemoprotein mainly found in muscle where it serves as an intracellular storage site for oxygen. The oxygen transporting protein of muscles, resembling hemoglobin in function. A muscle haemoglobin, which takes oxygen from blood and passes it to the muscle. Iron-containing globulin in muscle. Myoglobin is an iron-containing protein in muscle cells that stores and transports…

  • Mycotoxins

    Toxins produced by fungi (moulds), especially Aspergillusflavus under tropical conditions and Penicillium and Fusarium species under temperate conditions. A poisonous compound produced by molds. Toxins produced by fungi. More than 350 different mycotoxins are known to man. Almost all mycotoxins possess the capacity to harmfully alter the immune systems of animals. Consumption by animals (including…

  • Mycoprotein

    Name given to mould mycelium used as a food ingredient. A meat substitute made from fungi. It can be shaped, textured, and flavored, provides protein and fiber, and is low in saturated fats.  

  • Mucous colitis

    Irritable bowel syndrome. An inflammation of the mucous membrane in the intestine, in which the person experiences pain caused by spasms in the muscles of the walls of the colon, accompanied by constipation or diarrhoea or alternating attacks of both. In this condition, the patient frequently experiences bowel movements each day, often accompanied by discomfort…

  • Mucoproteins

    Glycoproteins containing a sugar, usually chondroitin sulphate, combined with amino acids or peptides; occur in mucin. A complex of protein and oligosaccharides. A form of protein found in blood plasma. One of a group of proteins found in the globulin fraction of blood plasma. Mucoproteins are globulins combined with a carbohydrate group (an amino sugar).…

  • Mucopolysaccharides

    Polysaccharides containing an amino sugar and uronic acid; constituent of the mucoproteins of cartilage, tendons, connective tissue, cornea, heparin, and blood-group substances. A complex of protein and polysaccharides. A group of complex carbohydrates containing hexosamine; a thick gelatinous material. Any of a group of complex carbohydrates that are structural parts of connective tissue. One of…

  • Monosodium glutamate (MSG)

    The sodium salt of glutamic acid, used to enhance the flavour of savoury dishes and often added to canned meat and soups. A flavor-enhancing food additive commonly known as MSG. Some people are sensitive to MSG and may experience headaches or other negative side effects as a result of consuming it. An artificial flavor enhancer…

  • Mitochondrion

    (Plural mitochondria). The subcellular organelles in all cells apart from red blood cells in which the major oxidative reactions of metabolism occur, linked to the formation of ATP from ADP. A tiny rod-shaped part of a cell’s cytoplasm responsible for cell respiration. Self-replicating organelle found in the cytoplasm of cells, where it functions in cellular…

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