Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Oxycalorimeter

    Instrument for measuring the oxygen consumed and carbon dioxide produced when a food is burned, as distinct from the calorimeter, which measures the heat produced.  

  • Oxidases (oxygenases)

    Enzymes that oxidise compounds by removing hydrogen and reacting directly with oxygen to form water or hydrogen peroxide. An enzyme which encourages oxidation by removing hydrogen. An enzyme group responsible for oxygen removal; it catalyzes oxidation/reduction reactions using oxygen as the electron acceptor.  

  • Osmotic pressure

    The pressure required to prevent the passage of water through a semi- permeable membrane from a region of low concentration of solutes to one of higher concentration, by osmosis. May be defined as the hydrostatic pressure which must be applied to a solution on one side of a semipermeable membrane (solution B in the example…

  • Osmophiies

    Microorganisms that can flourish under conditions of high osmotic pressure, e.g. in jams, honey, brine pickles; especially yeasts (also called xerophilic yeasts).  

  • Orotic acid

    An intermediate in the biosynthesis of pyrimidines; a growth factor for some microorganisms and at one time called vitamin B13. There is no evidence that it is a human dietary requirement. Metabolic intermediate in the synthesis of prymidines. Uracil-6-carboxylic acid. It is a precursor in the formation of pyrimidine nucleotides.  

  • Ornithine-arginine cycle

    The metabolic pathway for the synthesis of urea.  

  • Organoleptic

    Sensory properties, i.e. those that can be detected by the sense organs. For foods, it is used particularly of the combination of taste, texture, and astringency (perceived in the mouth) and aroma (perceived in the nose). Affecting or making an impression upon an organ. Sometimes used as a synonym for sensory when referring to examination…

  • Orexins

    Two small peptide hormones produced by nerve cells in the lateral hypothalamus, believed to be involved in stimulation of feeding. Neuropeptides produced by the hypothalamus that influence sleep and wakefulness.  

  • Orexigenic

    Stimulating appetite. To a substance that increases appetite.  

  • Opsomania

    Craving for special food.  

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