Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
An enzyme (a phosphatase) that hydrolyses phytate to inositol and phosphate. A digestive enzyme which is present in the digestive systems of many plant-eating animals to enable breakdown of phytate (also known as “phytic acid”). Phytase is sometimes present within the plant material consumed by animals. For example, phytase is naturally produced in the seed…
Physical activity ratio (PAR)
Energy cost of physical activity expressed as a ratio of basal metabolic rate.
Physical activity level (PAL)
Total energy cost of physical activity throughout the day, expressed as a ratio of basal metabolic rate. Calculated from the physical activity ratio for each activity, multiplied by the time spent in that activity. The ratio of total energy expenditure (TEE) to 24-hour resting or basal energy expenditure (RMR), that is, TEE/RMR.
Vitamin K from plant sources.
Blocked pores or ‘toad-skin’ (follicular hyperkeratosis of the skin) often encountered in malnourished people. Originally thought to be due to vitamin A deficiency but possibly due to other deficiencies, and also occurs in adequately nourished people.
Proteins containing phosphate, other than as nucleic acids (nucleoproteins) or phospholipids (lipoproteins), e.g. casein from milk, ovovitellin from egg yolk. One of a group of proteins in which the protein is combined with a phosphorus-containing compound. Caseinogen and vitellin are examples. Phosphoprotein was formerly called nucleoalbumin.
Phosphatidic acid
Glycerol esterified to two molecules of fatty acid, with the third hydroxyl group esterified to phosphate; chemically diacylglycerol phosphate; intermediates in the metabolism of phospholipids.
Phlebotomy (venesection)
Removal of blood. This serves as a simple method for reducing body iron levels in people with haemochromatosis. Surgical puncture of a vein to withdraw blood. The surgical opening of a vein for bloodletting. An operation where a vein or an artery is cut so that blood can be removed, as when taking blood from…
Phenolic hydroxyl group
Hydroxyl group attached to an aromatic ring.
Phase II metabolism reactions
The second phase of the metabolism of foreign compounds, in which the activated derivatives formed in phase I metabolism are conjugated with amino acids, glucuronic acid or glutathione, to yield water-soluble derivatives that are excreted in urine or bile.
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