Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Products of conception

    The fetus, placenta, amniotic fluid and fetal membranes.  

  • Procarcinogen

    A compound that is not itself carcinogenic, but undergoes metabolic activation in the body to yield a carcinogen.  

  • Prenylated

    Molecule with isoprene (2-methylbutadiene) substituent.  

  • Pre-eclampsia

    A complication of pregnancy when high levels of blood pressure are combined with heavy proteinuria, untreated can lead to maternal and/or fetal death. A condition in pregnant women towards the end of the pregnancy which may lead to eclampsia. Symptoms are high blood pressure, oedema and protein in the urine. Toxemia of pregnancy characterized by…

  • Precursors, enzyme

    Inactive forms of enzymes, activated after secretion; also called pro-enzymes or zymogens.  

  • Post-translational modification

    Alterations to the nascent protein produced by translation.  

  • Postprandial lipaemia

    The gradual increase in the concentration of blood triacylglycerol following consumption of a meal containing fat. The gradual increase in the concentration of blood triacylglycerol following consumption of a meal containing.  

  • Ponderocrescive

    Foods tending to increase weight: easily gaining weight; the opposite of ponderoperditive. Stimulating weight loss.  

  • Ponderal index

    An index of fatness, used as a measure of obesity: the cube root of body weight divided by height. Confusingly, the ponderal index is higher for thin people, and lower for fat people. An expression of leanness: height (inches) divided by the cube root of weight in pounds. The ratio of an individual’s height to…

  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids

    Long-chain fatty acids containing two or more double bonds, separated by methylene bridges: —CH2—CH = CH—CH2—CH – CH—CH2—. Unsaturated fatty acids, possessing more than one double bond, that impart a variety of health benefits to humans that consume them. For example, the “omega-3” (n-3) PUFAs possess antithrombotic effects and also reduce blood concentrations of triglycerides.…

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