Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Consisting of flat plates. The structure made of small plates, such as the bony concentric layers surrounding the Haversian canals. A thin sheet of tissue. A thin disc placed under the eyelid to apply a drug to the eye. A small medicated tablet or disc placed inside the lower eyelid for treating eye infections. A…
Milky, or producing a milky juice.
Different plants of the species.
Incomplete flowers
Those in which the calyx or corolla is wanting.
Imperfect flowers
Wanting one or the other of the essential organs. A flower with one of the whorls missing, often the stamens or carpels thus making the flower unisexual.
When twelve or more stamens are inserted upon the calyx.
A spur or like appendage. A small, round, or flattened projection from the hoods of milkweed flowers (Asclepias species). (In humans) tissue which grows out of an organ. (In humans) one of the H-shaped limbs of grey matter seen in a crosssection of the spinal cord. (In humans) an extension of the pulp chamber of a…
Curved one way.
Having seven pistils or styles.
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