Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Two kinds of herbs—Roman Camomile and English Camomile—used since the 16th century. Chamomile also known as Camomile. Chamomile tea, made from the flowers, is very popular in Europe as an aid to digestion, especially after heavy meals. Its soothing and cleansing effect also makes the tea a beneficial skin wash. The flowering heads of the…
Catnip also known as Catmint. Perennial herb of the mint family that has strongly scented leaves which cats are attracted. A favourite of cat lovers, for cats relish the intoxicating leaves. Tea is a popular nightcap, as it induces a good night’s sleep. Valuable remedy for colds and fevers. Catnip, a plant boasting elegant, pale-blue…
Castor Oil
A pale yellow, vegetable oil from the seeds of the Castor Bean plant. A vegetable oil extracted from the seeds of the castor plant, with many medicinal and household uses. Available at health food stores. A plant oil which acts as a laxative. A fixed oil expressed from the seed of the castor-oil plant Ricinus…
Castor Bean Plant
Tall, annual herb native to India. Castor Bean Plant also known as Castor Oil Plant.
Cascara Sagrada
Small tree with thin, elliptic leaves and large flowers that produces a 3-lobed, 3 -seeded fruit. Cascara Sagrada also called Buckthorn and Coffee Tree. The dried bark of Rhamnus purshiana, a small tree grown on the western coast of the United States and in parts of South America. It is the main ingredient in aromatic…
Purplish-brown edible seaweed from the Atlantic coasts of Europe and North America. Carrageen also known as Carragheen, Pearlmoss, and Irish Moss. Irish moss; dried red alga, Chondrus crispus, from which the substance carrageenan, or carragheenan, is obtained. It is used as a demulcent and thickening agent in medicines and foods.
Carline Thistle
Prickly plant that has spiny leaves and tubular flower heads.
Large forest tree with wide, spreading, horizontal branches that produces a pleasant tasting nut. The edible seed produced by the white walnut tree is often employed in the confectionery industry, where it imparts a delectable and velvety taste to the candy.
Perennial herb of the rose family that has reddish-purple flowers. Burnet also known as Great Burnet, Small Burnet, and Salad Burnet. This herbaceous plant boasts delicate, frilly foliage and bears either blush-toned or milky-white blooms, imparting a flavor akin to that of a cucumber. Although cultivated in the southern reaches of the United States, it…
Large, course, broad-leafed weed that bears prickly heads of burrs. Burdock also known as Great Burdock, Lappa, and Thorny Burr. The aforementioned flora, characterized by its rough texture and abundant foliage, is commonly recognized as a weed that grows in the vicinity of farmyards. Its botanical name is Arctium lappa, and in the past, its…
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