Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Comfrey


    Perennial herb of the borage family with large, broad leaves and purple blooms. Comfrey also known as Knitback. Comfrey also known as Symphytum officinale. A medicinal herb used on skin or to treat muscle pain. It should not be consumed. Available at health food stores. Comfreys are among the most important medicinal herbs. They contain…

  • Coltsfoot


    Perennial herb that yields a soothing mucilage and contains zinc, calcium, and potassium. A flowering medicinal herb used to treat coughs and lung ailments. It should not be consumed by very young children. Available at health food stores. Popular remedy for respiratory conditions, including coughs, colds, hoarseness, bronchitis and bronchial asthma. Also useful in herbal…

  • Colchicum


    Herb of the lily family. Colchicum also known as Colchicine and Meadow Saffron. Useful drug for gout and rheumatism, but only to be used under medical supervision. Source of colchicine, valuable to plant breeders for inducing genetic mutations. Soft lilac-pink crocuslike blooms appear in autumn. Colchicum also known as Colchicum autumnale. The bulb of Colchicum…

  • Cod Liver Oil

    Pale yellow oil extracted from the liver of the codfish or related species; source of vitamins A and D. A fish oil which is rich in calories and vitamins A and D. Oil form the liver of codfish and other fishes used to treat calcium and phosphorus deficiency and as a supplementary source of vitamins…

  • Citrus

    Group of trees and shrubs — like lemon, orange, and grapefruit—that grow in warm regions and bear edible fruit; source of vitamin C.  

  • Citricidal

    Extract made from the seeds and pulp of citrus fruits.  

  • Chinese Tiger Balm

    Healing ointment which contains aromatic oils of camphor, menthol, peppermint and clove, and an East Indian oil called cajeput that increases blood flow to surface skin.  

  • Chinese Schisandra

    Chinese Schisandra

    Creeping herb from the Far East that produces small red berries.  

  • Chinese Green Tea

    Chinese Green Tea

    A non-fermented drink made from green tea leaves.  

  • Chinese Cucumber

    Chinese Cucumber

    Chinese herb whose root tubers produce a protein, trichosanthin, from which the drug GLQ223 is obtained.  

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