Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Nutritive plant native to South America that has a high caffeine content and a chocolate aroma. Guarana (Paulinia cupana) is a plant containing significant amounts of chemical groups referred to as xanthines. Guarana typically contains theobromine (TB), theophylline (TP), and caffeine (CF) in most preparations. These xanthines, particularly caffeine, are often attributed to the potential…
Group of coarse, yellow-flowered herbs. Grindelia also known as Gumweed.
Green Plantain
A greenish, starchy tropical fruit that is related to the banana.
Gotu Kola
Member of the carrot family that is found in mountainous tropical regions. Gotu Kola also known as Indian Pennywort. Gotu Kola also known as Hydrocotyle asiatica. Small creeping tropical plant used for centuries in India. Believed to have remarkable rejuvenating properties. One or two freshly chopped leaves daily in salads or liquified in juice are…
Perennial plant with a thick, yellow rootstock and red fruit. Goldenseal also known as Yellow Puccoon, Ground Raspberry, Turmeric Root, Orange Root, Yellow Root, Indian Paint, and Indian Dye. A medicinal herb, also known as orangeroot, which can be used as a natural antibiotic. Available at health food stores and some pharmacies. An herbal remedy…
More than 130 species of a flowering plant. Goldenrod also known as Solidago virgaurea. A flowering plant used medicinally to treat wounds and as a diuretic. Available at health food stores. Important dyeplant for its bright yellow colour. Medicinally it stimulates gastric secretions and improves the appetite. Popular Swiss herb for the expulsion of bladder…
A Chinese and North American plant with an aromatic root. Ginseng also known as Panax quinquefolius. An herb whose root is believed to boost energy and is used in traditional Chinese medicine. Available at health food stores and some pharmacies. American ginseng is a slow-growing perennial herb found wild in cool and shady hardwood forests…
The oldest family of trees in existence.
Clarified butter made by straining the milk solids from melted butter. Clarified butter, made from unsalted butter that has been gently cooked and the milk solids removed. To make ghee take 500g unsalted butter and simmer on a low heat for 20–30 minutes until the liquid is clear. A foam will rise to the top…
An herb found in the Eastern tropics.
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