Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
A starchy member of the grass family that produces kernels of corn enclosed by a leafy husk. Maize also known as Indian Corn.
Ma Huang
A jointed, almost leafless desert shrub. Ma Huang also known as Ephedra. A Chinese herb containing ephedrine, a central nervous system stimulant, used for its stimulating qualities. Ma huang is an herb also known as Ephedra sinica that is common to Chinese medicine. The component of ma huang that has received the most attention with…
Tree with white, yellow, rose, or purple flowers.
A tree known for its sweet edible fruit. Litchi also known as Lychee, Litchee, and Leechee. Originating from China, the lychee is a fruit borne by a tree that thrives in various regions across the Orient, as well as in the Southern United States, Hawaii, the West Indies, South Africa, and Australia. Encased within a…
A Japanese product made from extract of the shiitake mushroom.
Lemon Balm
Perennial of the mint family that is grown for its lemon-scented leaves. Lemon Balm also known as Balm Root, Sweet Balm, and Mediterranean Melissa. A medicinal herb with a calming effect and citrus scent. Available at health food stores. Lemon balm is a herb that belongs to the mint family and is often utilized to…
An aromatic Mediterranean mint with spikes of purple flowers and smooth-edged, silvery gray leaves. Although not conventionally regarded as a culinary herb, lavender possesses the capability to add a unique twist in flavor to wine-based beverages, jams, carbonated beverages, and desserts. It is advised to exercise caution when using this ingredient, as solely a minuscule…
Refined wool oil. Grease from sheep’s wool which absorbs water and is used to rub on dried skin, or in the preparation of cosmetics. A fatlike substance derived from the wool of sheep. Lanolin is used as the base for an ointment and as a skin moisturizer. Derived from wool fat, lanolin is an ingredient…
Lady’s Mantle
A perennial plant easily identified by its many yellow-green flowers. Lady’s Mantle also known as Bear ‘s Foot or Lion ‘s Foot. Lady’s Mantle also known as Alchemilla Vulgaris. A medicinal herb that can be used to treat excessive menstrual bleeding. Available at health food stores. Graceful low-growing herb. Round velvety leaves and delicate sprays…
Kola Nut
The bitter seed of the African Kola tree that is about the size of a chestnut and has a high caffeine content. Hailing from Africa, the Kola tree produces a nut that is commonly chewed by natives to obtain its caffeine content. Kola nuts are utilized in pharmaceuticals and also serve as an essential ingredient…
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