Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Automatic behavior
A nonreflex but unconscious act invariable behavior; variable behavior; adaptive behavior.
The process of self-digestion in organs and tissues. A situation in which cells destroy themselves with their own enzymes. The spontaneous disintegration of the bacterial cell as the result of age, or of un-favourable physiological conditions activating autolysin, an enzyme in the cell capable of hydrolysing cell wall structure. The destruction of tissues or cells…
Autokinetic effect
An optical illusion in which a stationary pinpoint of light that is viewed in an otherwise dark room appears to be moving.
Poison by some uneliminated toxin generated within the body, autointoxicant. The poisoning of the body by toxins produced in the body itself. Autointoxication refers to the process of self-poisoning caused by the accumulation of toxic substances generated within the body during the process of intestinal digestion. Coined around 1885, this term emerged as part of…
A poison generated within the body, autointoxication.
Autoimmune response
Autoimmune disease.
A process used in psychoanalysis that results in self-understanding using self-confessions.
Pertaining to self-stimulation or erotic behavior directed toward one’s self.
Autochthonous idea
An idea that appears independent of a person’s train of thought and which is usually regarded as foreign and thrust upon him or her. A thought that comes into the mind independent of a train of thoughts, in an unaccountable way.
Autistic thinking
Imaginary gratification of desires in fantasy as contrasted with realistic attempts to gratify them, autism.
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