Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Bell and pad
In psychology, a behavior therapy technique for eliminating nocturnal enuresis. When a child wets at night, an electric circuit is closed and a bell sounds, waking the child. A psychological method of treating bed-wetting. When the child starts to pass urine it is detected by electric sensors in a pad (or by sheets of metallic…
To orally eliminate gas from the gastrointestinal tract. The action of allowing air in the stomach to come up through the mouth. The expulsion of gas from the stomach, typically caused by swallowing air. This phenomenon is also referred to as belching or eructation.
An expression referring to the concept of keeping one’s homosexual orientation a secret.
Being values
Values associated with higher human potential, e.g., truth, beauty, goodness.
Being needs
Needs associated with self-actualization and spiritual growth.
Behaviorist orientation
One of the three major theoretical perspectives in social psychology. The emphasizes the exploration of reliable relationships between environmental conditions and social behavior cognitive.
Behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS)
Performance appraisal.
Behavioralism (behaviorism)
A psychological school of thought that believes that human behavior q.v. arises in response to the presentation of stimuli.
Behavioral toxicity
When a drug impairs behavior and amplifies the danger level of a particular activity, e.g., driving a car.
Behavioral tolerance
The learning of control over some drug effects over a period of time.
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