Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Beta subunit
HCG radioimmunoassay. Glycoprotein hormones containing two different polypeptide subunits designated a and ft chains. Analysis of the units of these hormones (e.g., follicle-stimulating, luteinizing, chorionic gonadotropin, and thyrotropin) enables early diagnosis of such conditions as pregnancy and ectopic pregnancy.
Beta rhythms
Brain waves of 13-25 cycles/s. The dominant pattern in an alert, awake adult. A pattern of electrical waves in the brain of someone who is awake and active, registering on an electroencephalograph at 18—30 hertz. Brain-wave frequency of low voltage, the busy waves of the brain, characteristic of a person who is awake and alert;…
Beta rays
High-speed electrons given off by a radioactive substance with the power to penetrate the body, beta particles. The old name for the electrons or positrons emitted during certain radioactive decays. A ray composed of negatively charged electrons expelled from atoms of disintegrating radioactive elements. One of the emissions produced by radioactive materials.
Beta particle
An electron emitted by the nucleus of an atom during radioactive decay, beta rays.
Beta hypothesis
A technique for helping a person overcome an undesirable habit or behavior by exaggerating the wrong response before learning the right response.
Beta alcoholism
Characterized by excessive drinking of alcohol sufficiently to cause polyneuritis, gastritis, and liver cirrhosis, but without apparent dependence.
Second letter of the Greek alphabet.
An acronym for Board for Environmental Studies and Toxicology, NAS/NDC.
Berkson’s fallacy
In epidemiology, non-representative cases since those who seek care are selectively different from those who do not.
In law, to give personal property by the directions provided in a person’s will to another person who survives the maker of the will.
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