Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Biogenic law
The principle that animals repeat in modified form during their embryonic and larval development stages, the evolutionary history of the race.
Motives originating from biological needs or drives.
In psychotherapy, the therapy based on Wilhelm Reich’s unorthodox analytic theory that all psychological distress is caused by problems in achieving full sexual satisfaction. The study of energy transfer and relationships among living systems. This particular discipline of biochemistry is dedicated to the intricate chemical pathways that facilitate the transformation of nutrients with high energy…
Bioecological stressor
An environmental or nutritional stressor.
Biochemistry of sex
The gonads and pituitary gland are the chief structures that control which, in turn, influence sexual development.
Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)
The quantity of oxygen in a given time frame to satisfy the chemical and biological oxidation q.v. demands of sewage.
Biochemical individuality
The unique differences of one person as compared to others relative to basic body chemistry, e.g., blood type, metabolic rate, and others.
Biochemical disorders
Disorders involving disturbances in the metabolic processes, homeostasis.
Biochemical defenses
The body’s immune system.
Binomial nomenclature
In biology, zoology, and botany, the scientific method of designating organisms by two Latin or Latinized words. The first word indicates the genus and the second word the species binomial system. The system of classifying living organisms by the use of two Latin-derived words to indicate the genus and species.
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