Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Block grants
The availabilities of federal monies that are consolidated into a broad-purpose fund from categories with limited purpose provide discretion to state and local agencies that receive them. Government funds that are allocated for health care purposes without a stipulation that the money be used for any narrowly defined health function. A block grant may be…
In physiology, an obstruction in any of the systems of the body. The stopping of a function. Something which obstructs. A large piece of something. A period of time. One of the different buildings forming a section of a hospital. Any interruption of physiological or mental function, brought about intentionally (as part of a therapeutic…
In politics, a group of legislators who have certain interests in common and who may vote together on matters affecting that interest.
Blind study
An experimental procedure characterized by the persons being studied are unaware of receiving the experimental treatments or a placebo: double-blind study. An investigation to test an intervention such as giving a drug, in which a person does not know if he or she has taken the active medicine or the placebo.
A defect of the visual structures that prevents light images from being perceived by the visual center of the brain may be caused by diseases of the eye, e.g., conjunctivitis neonatorum, trachoma, cataract, or from complications of other diseases, e.g., diabetes mellitus, or an injury to the optic nerve, retina, or brain; or from genetic…
A physical mannerism that is frequently unique to and typical of blind persons.
In biology, the basal granule of the flagellum.
Blended inheritance
In genetics, inheritance in which the characters of two dissimilar parents appear to be blended in the offspring and segregation fails to appear in later generations.
Bleeding time
The time required for the bleeding from a small puncture wound of the finger to stop under carefully controlled conditions. A test of the clotting ability of someone’s blood, by timing the length of time it takes for the blood to congeal. The time required for blood to stop flowing from a small wound or…
The embryonic stage of development when the cells form a single-layered hollow sphere. The first stage of the development of an embryo in animals. Ball-like, one cell-layer-thick stage of development of an embryo. An early stage of the embryonic development of many animals. The equivalent stage in mammals (including man) is the blastocyst. An early…
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