Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Borrelia vincentii
A pathogenic bacterium that causes Vincent’s disease (trench mouth). The spirochaete of Vincent’s angina, in which condition it is seen together with Fusobacterium fusiforme. Both organisms are seen in localized putrefactive conditions in addition to Vincent’s infection of the throat and mouth.
Borderline personality
In psychology, a person possessing impulsiveness, unpredictability, uncertain self-image, intense and unstable social relationships, and extreme swings of mood, borderline personality disorder. A psychiatric disorder characterized by an inability to sustain stable relationships, fear of abandonment, hypersensitivity, changeable emotions, poor tolerance to stress, and overdependence.
Borderline cases
In research, cases used in conceptual analysis to help define the boundaries of the term or subjects being analyzed.
Booster dose
An injection of vaccine or toxoid administered at some time after primary immunization in order to maintain immunity.
Boomerang effect
In communication, the reaction of an audience. This reaction is the opposite of that which is advocated by the message being given.
Bony suture
The junction of two bones that have grown or fused together.
In business, extra compensation in addition to wages.
Bona fide occupational qualification
In business, the necessity of unequal treatment of employees or applicants.
Bogus pipeline
A technique for measuring attitudes. Subjects are led to believe that their true reactions will be revealed by a device that measures physiological responses.
A coined term to indicate the inseparability of the organism.
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