Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Cervical mucus method

    The Billings method. A type of ovulation method of birth control that monitors changes in the mucus secreted by a woman’s cervix as a guide to when ovulation has taken place; a type of natural family planning employing periodic abstinence during a woman’s fertile period as a means of contraception, or using the same techniques…

  • Cervical mucus

    A thin, watery lubricative secretion produced by the cervix that aids sperm migration from the vagina to the egg in the fallopian tube. The discharge secreted by the endocervical glands of the uterine cervix. Characteristic assessment findings correlate with normal hormonal changes of the menstrual cycle that influence the type and amount of mucus secreted.…

  • Cervical dysplasia

    Abnormality of the cells of the cervix. The presence of abnormal cells on the surface of the cervix. They are not cancerous, but have characteristics similar to early cancer cells when viewed under a microscope. Symptoms can include bleeding from the vagina between menstrual periods, after having sex, or after menopause, or a heavy vaginal…

  • Cervical cap

    A diaphragm that fits over the cervix to act as a barrier to sperm preventing the sperm from reaching the ovum and resulting in fertilization or conception. A form of birth control that involves a rubber cup that fits tightly over the cervix, used with spermicide cream or jelly. Used widely in Europe, the cervical…

  • Cervical cancer

    A cancer of the cervix of the uterus. Cancer in the neck (cervix) of the womb. The growth can be detected at an early, stage by periodic microscopical examination of cells released from the affected region (see cervical smear), and it can then be eradicated before it has been able to spread. Vaginal discharge, especially…

  • Ceruplasmin

    A copper-containing protein in blood plasma.  

  • Cerumen

    Ear wax: soft, waxy, yellow-brown material secreted by the sebaceous glands of the external ear. Which forms inside the ear. Waxy substance produced by glands in the external auditory meatus which functions to protect the external auditory meatus from infection by trapping microorganisms. The name for the wax-like secretion found in the external ear. A…

  • Ceruloplasmin

    A plasma copper protein that functions as an enzyme and results in the formation of hallucination producing products from natural amines ceruplasmin. A copper-containing globulin in blood plasma with a molecular weight of 150,000 and eight copper atoms. It catalyzes the oxidation of amines, phenols, and ascorbic acid. It is reduced in amount in Wilson’s…

  • Certiorari

    In law, proceeding in which a higher court reviews a decision of an inferior court.  

  • Certified nurse midwife (CNM)

    A nurse who has completed training in pregnancy and birth and who functions in association with a physician.  

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