Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Change agent
An individual, organization, or group that assists a client or client system to identify issues of concern and the means of dealing with these concerns. Involvement can be intensive or minimal.
Soft chancre. A venereal sore with a soft base, situated in the groin or on the genitals and caused by the bacterium Haemophilus ducreyi. Contagious venered ulcer; it usually appears as a papule on the skin of the genitalia that then ulcerates and, if untreated, produces buboes in the groin. Caused by the bacterium Haemophilus…
Federal insurance program for military dependents and retirees.
A plant from the aster family and formerly popularized as a mild laxative.
In politics, the official hall for the meeting of a legislative body, e.g., assembly chamber; senate chamber. A hollow space (atrium or ventricle) in the heart where blood is collected. Enclosed area (e.g., aqueous chamber, humor-filled part of the eyeball); the heart chambers (auricles and ventricles).
A hormone that depresses activity. A hormone which stops a secretion, as opposed to those hormones which stimulate secretion. A protein that inhibits mitosis in the tissue in which it is produced.
A small tumor of the eyelid. Non-malignant small swelling on the eyelid that often requires surgical removal; also called meibomian cyst. A small, firm, painless lump near the edge of the eyelid, sometimes related to blockage of a meibomian gland. An inflamed, tender lump on the eyelid caused by the blockage of a small gland…
In parliamentary law, the presiding officer or chair person.
Chain referral sampling
Snowball sampling.
Chain of reasoning
The steps in the presentation of a logical argument in support of a knowledge claim.
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