Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Chronic excessive noise
Constant noise levels that cause personal discomfort, fatigue, or are a health threat.
Chronic effect
The long-term response to repeated doses of a drug, acute effect. A consequence (of a toxic agent or of radiation) that develops slowly and/or has a long lasting course.
Chronic degenerative disease
A disease that tends to persist for life and that progressively worsens, chronic disease.
Chronic alcoholism
A misnomer since the term is redundant. Alcoholism is a chronic disease. The state caused by prolonged excessive drinking, marked by significant disruptions in the digestive and nervous systems, along with liver cirrhosis.
Chromosome map
The location of genes on chromosomes, as determined by genetic methods.
Chromosome aberration
Abnormal arrangement of the chromosome complement caused by chromosomal breakage and reunion. A change from the usual number or arrangement of chromosomes.
Chromosomal sex
Genetic sex usually symbolized by the presence of XX (female) or XY (male) chromosomes of the person and present in all body cells. Sex as determined by the presence of the female XX or male XY genotype in somatic cells.
Chromosomal map
A photograph of the number and arrangement of chromosomes for a given person. Chromosome map.
Chromosomal anomaly
A species-atypical chromosomal condition.
Chromosomal aberration
Defective chromosome. Any change in the normal structure or number of chromosomes, often causing physical and mental abnormalities (e.g., Down’s syndrome, Kleinfelter’s syndrome). An abnormality in chromosomes regarding number (aneuploidy, polyploidy) or chromosomal material (translocation, deletion, duplication).
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