Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Claviceps purpurea
A fungus yielding the alkaloid, lysergic acid, the active ingredient in LSD Lysergic acid diethylamide was first synthesized by Hofmann in 1938.
Classroom teacher
A staff member assigned the professional activities of instructing students, in classroom situations, for which daily student attendance figures for the school system are kept.
Classroom management
How teachers organize and structure the flow of activities in their classrooms in order to keep the learners active and minimize disruptions.
Classroom environment
The physical structure, emotional climate, aesthetic characteristics, and learning resources of a classroom.
Classroom climate
The social atmosphere a teacher generates directive or indirective, democratic or authoritarian assumed to influence learners’ learning and attitudes (research does not yet support this assumption).
Classroom analysis system
Clearly defined sets of procedures and written materials that can be used to objectify the interaction between teachers and students.
Classification variables
The characteristics that subjects bring with them into scientific investigations, such as age, sex, and mental states are studied by correlational research and mixed designs.
Classification schemes
In research, schemes that classify events into an organization or a structure that in some way reflects a causal or developmental relationship and thus is a weak form of causal explanation. A scheme for grouping the entities (items) making up a universe into categories (see category). A classification is a systematic scheme of organization of…
Classic paranoia
A psychotic condition characterized by extreme projection and compensation defense mechanisms. The delusional states appear to exist without disintegration of basic drives or emotions. The delusions tend to be progressive, systematic, and logical.
Classical organizing theory
The cumulative insights of early management theories on how organizational resources can best be used to enhance goal attainment.
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