Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
An alkaloid from the autumn crocus that is used as an agent to arrest spindle formation and to interrupt mitosis. A drug useful in the treatment of gout. Pain-relieving drug derived from the saffron plant, used to treat gout; common side effects include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. A drug used to treat gout attacks and…
Cocaine-dependent person who has lost all control over the use of cocaine.
Coitus reservatus
Suppression of ejaculation by the male during sexual intercourse, coitus interruptus. A method in which intercourse is maintained for long periods during which the woman may have orgasm several times while the man succeeds in holding back orgasm. It has long been practiced in the East, both as a method of birth control and for…
Coitus interruptus
A method of birth control in which the penis is withdrawn from the vagina just before ejaculation. Removal of the penis from the vagina before ejaculation, sometimes used as a method of contraception although it is not very efficient. Contraceptive method during coitus m which the penis is removed from the vagina before ejaculation in…
An insurance plan or policy that requires partial payment for health and medical services by the policyholder. A cost-sharing requirement under a health insurance policy which provides that the insured, will assume a portion or percentage of the costs of covered services. The health insurance policy provides that the insurer will reimburse a specified percentage…
In genetics, the ratio of observed double crossovers to expected doubles calculated on the basis of independent occurrence and expressed as a decimal fraction.
Cohort sequential research design
A design first used by Schaie that enables developmentalists to separate cohort effects from true developmental changes. To execute the design, the researcher must collect longitudinal data on multiple cohorts.
Cohort effect
In epidemiology, an age group progressing through life with a high or low rate of a condition and carrying this trait into successive age categories.
In social psychology, the degree to which members of a group are attracted to one another and the group as a whole.
An arrangement in which two or more people five together outside the bonds of marriage. While the term literally refers to a man and a woman living together, in legal contexts it suggests that the couple is cohabiting as if they are married, but without legal recognition.
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