Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Community health organization
The voluntary, governmental, and professional agencies, associations, and societies concerned with certain aspects of health.
Community health educator
Public health educator.
Community health education
All of the methods, techniques, and strategies used by the community health educator to improve the health knowledge, attitudes, and behavior of members of the defined community.
Community health council
A cooperative body representing all community health interested organizations and agencies. A statutory body of interested people from outside the medical professions charged with putting forward the patients’ point of view on local health issues.
Community health agency
A voluntary or governmental agency functioning in regard to some health issues or problems.
Community health
The collective health status of a community. The health of a local community, or provision of services for a local community.
Community development
Approaches and techniques that rely upon local communities as units of action; attempt to combine outside assistance with organized, local self-determination efforts; and correspondingly seek to stimulate local initiatives and leadership as the primary instrument of change.
Communicator credibility
The degree to which a communicator is a trustworthy, informed, and unbiased source of information.
Communication structure
The pattern of communication networks that exists among members of a group. Typically, structures are centralized, having one coordinator, or decentralized, having many lines of interaction.
Communication macrobarriers
Those factors that hinder successful communication and that relate primarily to the communication environment and the larger world in which communication takes place, communication microbarriers.
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