Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Compensable factors
Certain qualities common to all jobs.
A commercial preparation of prochlorperazine.
Compatible needs
The needs of a potential mate that are the same as the needs possessed by the partner, complementary needs.
Compartment syndrome
The shock-like state that follows release of a limb after a long period of compression is brought about by compression of the arterial blood supply to a muscular compartment. An acute or chronic condition caused by exercise or injury and characterized by pain and swollen muscle tissue. The swelling produces an increased pressure of the…
Comparison shopping
A method by which a person checks out several articles of the same kind for quality, quantity, and price.
Comparison level
The outcome that individuals feel is appropriate from a relationship, derived from prior experiences as well as the perception of other’s satisfaction in similar relationships.
Comparative management
The study of the management process in different countries in order to examine the potential of management action under different environmental conditions.
Companionship marriage
A marriage that emphasizes mutual consent and agreements above the rules, values, and expectations of society. A profit-making business owned by a single person, parties, or a group of shareholders or stock-holders.
Companion bill
In politics and law, two or more bills dealing with related aspects of the same topic.
Companionate love
The friendship, caring, and deep attachment of established couples, companion love. A form of love characteristic of long-term relationships involves friendly affection and deep attachment and is less emotionally intense than passion ate love companionate love.
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