Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Competency to stand trial
In law, a legal decision on whether a person can participate meaningfully in his or her own defense.
Competency test
An examination designed to evaluate the quality of a health educator based on predetermined basic skills and responsibilities, competency; competency-based education.
Competency-based teacher education (CBTE)
A system of teacher training in which students are required to demonstrate particular competencies in order to qualify for graduation and/or certification, rather than only minimum grade point averages or a minimum number of college credit hours.
Competency-based education
Learning based on highly specialized concepts, skills, and attitudes related directly to some endeavor.
Competency-based certification
The general process by which the state (or agency or organization authorized by the state) provides a credential to an individual. Processes may require individuals to demonstrate a mastery of minimum essential generic and specialization competencies and other related criteria adopted by the certification board through a comprehensive written examination and through other procedures that…
Compensatory education
Enriched or extended educational experiences or services that are made available to children of low-income families.
Compensatory damages
In law, damages awarded to reimburse the injured party only for the actual loss incurred. Punitive or exemplary damages are not considered compensatory. In a lawsuit, money awarded to an injured individual to repay that person for the actual costs that have resulted from the injury. The damages should restore the injured party to his…
Compensation point
In botany, the light intensity at which the rate of photosynthesis and the rate of respiration in the leaf are equal.
Compensation management
In labor relations, the development and implementation of policies to ensure that employees are paid fairly for their efforts. All salaries, incentives, and fringe benefits paid to managers in return for their services to the organization.
Compensation cafeteria
In labor relations, a flexible compensation package that permits employees to choose the most beneficial form of pay from a variety of alternatives.
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