Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Condensation reaction
In chemistry, a chemical reaction in which two or more molecules combine. The formation of a covalent bond between two molecules during which the elements of water are lost; condensation is the reverse of hydrolysis.
Concurring opinion
In law, an opinion written by a judge who agrees with the majority of the court as to the decision in a case, but has different reasons for arriving at that decision.
Concurrent validity
Validity established by the fact that scores on a test correspond to other measures obtained on the same individual at nearly the same time. The degree to which two measuring devices or methods agree with each other; the degree to which an unproven measurement instrument matches the results obtained by an instrument known to provide…
Concurrent resolution
In politics, a statement of the attitude or feeling of the two houses, not having the force of law.
Concurrent jurisdiction
In law, two courts having the same authority.
Concurrent control
Control that takes place as some unit of work is being performed.
In politics, action by which one house agrees to a proposal or action that the other house has approved. A proposal may be amended, adopted, and then returned to the other house for.
In polygamous societies, secondary wives or wives of a lower social status.
Concrete operational period
The developmental period between 7 and 11 years characterized by the capacity to mentally manipulate concrete experiences.
Concordance rate
The likelihood that when one twin manifests a certain trait, the other twin will also manifest it. The frequency with which a gene will be inherited or expressed by identical or fraternal twins.
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