Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
In education, the content areas.
A meditative technique wherein all attention is focused upon a problem, proposition, saying, and so forth, involving thought and observing of the thought process by the core self.
Contaminated with radioactive material
Exposed to or bearing radioactive material on the surface.
Contaminated needle
A needle or works that has been previously used by or among drug addicts with infected blood or blood particles left on the needle and passed on to the next user. This is a significant problem in regards to AIDS transmission.
Soiled with infectious matter. Bearing or containing accidentally introduced substances or organisms.
Containment theory
A situation where the internal components in a person and the buffers in the external social structure operate together to prevent social deviancy.
Contagious disease
An infectious disease transmissible by direct contact. A disease which can be transmitted by touching an infected person or objects which an infected person has touched. Originally, a disease transmitted only by direct physical contact: now usually taken to mean any communicable disease. Any disease (usually an infectious disease) readily transmitted from one person to…
In social psychology, the spreading of a behavior pattern through a large number of people. Contagion means the principle of spread of disease by direct contact with the body of an affected person. The spread of a disease through direct transfer from one person to another or via an intermediary.
Contact inhibition
The ability of a tissue, on reaching its maturity, to suppress additional growth. The inhibition of cell division caused by the close contact of similar cells, a natural brake in the healing of wounds.
Contact hypothesis
The hypothesis that bringing conflicting groups together will reduce their antagonism.
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