Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Contingency contracting
A procedure in which treatment or education personnel writes specific agreements with students or clients that specify the amount and kind of behavior necessary to obtain a reward.
Contingency approach to management
Managing approach that emphasizes that what managers do in practice depends upon a given set of circumstances or situation.
A relationship between events in which one event is dependent upon the other event.
A state of exercising self-restraint, especially in regard to the sex drive. The ability to control the discharge of urine and faeces. Self-restraint, used especially in reference to refraining from sexual intercourse, and to the ability to control urination and defecation. Exhibiting self-control; the capacity of the bowel or urinary bladder to retain their contents.…
The togetherness in time of two events that is sometimes interpreted as the condition that leads to association.
Context effects
Top-down processes.
Context theory of meaning
The theory that the meaning of a specific item depends upon the situation in which it occurs.
Content validity
In testing, a type of validity relating to how well a test measures what it sets out to measure.
Content mediation
In group conflict situations, the mediator affects suggestions for compromise or redefining, Process mediation.
Content areas
Instructional content areas for health education. Although the may vary somewhat, the following areas have been suggested for secondary school: (a) personal health, (b) mental health, (c) emotional health, (d) disease prevention and control, (e) nutrition education, (f) substance use and abuse, (g) safety education, (h) community health, (i) consumer health, (j) environmental health, and…
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