Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Control tool
A specific procedure or technique that presents pertinent organizational information in such a way that a manager is aided in developing and implementing appropriate control strategy.
Control table
In epidemiology, a graphic presentation of data relating to two or more variables while illustrating or controlling for the effect of other variables.
Control processes
In memory model, the processes used to transfer, store, and retrieve information.
Control practices
In parenting, procedures parents use to exert their will in situations of parent-child conflict. General categories for include power assertion, love withdrawal, and induction.
In epidemiology, examining the effect of one variable on a health condition while taking into account the effect of another variable.
Controlled variable
A variable whose value is held constant throughout an experiment, control; control condition; control group.
Controlled substance
A drug or chemical regulated under the federal Controlled Substances Act of 1970. Its manufacture, distribution, and sale are subject to federal controls. The major criterion for controlling a substance is its potential for abuse and dependence liability. A substance regulated by U.S. federal law to prevent abuse. Controlled substances are divided into five schedules,…
Controlled study
A procedure where an assumed cause or related factor is observed while other influences are controlled. A clinical trial that compares the outcome of a group of randomly assigned patients who receive the experimental treatment to the outcome of a group of randomly assigned patients who receive a standard treatment or inactive placebo.
Controlled observation
A diagnostic procedure in which the experimenter observes an individual’s behavior under standard conditions in the laboratory.
Controlled experiment
An experiment characterized by a test group and a control group. Experimental conditions are identical for both groups except for a single condition or factor. Comparison of results of the test group with those of the control group should reveal the effect (if any) of the test factor or condition, control; control condition. A term…
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