Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Counseling service
Activities designed to assist students in making plans and decisions related to their education, career, or personal development.
Council for international organization of medical science
A branch of the World Health Organization. In 1968, the Council established five criteria for determining the presence of death: (a) loss of all responses to the environment, (b) complete lack of any reflexes and the loss of muscle tone, (c) cessation of spontaneous respiration, (d) abrupt drop in arterial blood pressure, and (e) a…
Council for education in public health (CEPH)
An organization comprised of representatives of the major public health professional organizations that sets standards and procedures for the accreditation for schools of public health and for those public health programs outside schools of public health.
Council of chief state school officers
An organization representing state education commissioners, superintendents, etc., with respect to all aspects of public education.
Cough medicine
A compound that contains chemicals intended to relieve the cough reflex. A liquid taken to soothe the irritation which causes a cough.
Co-twin control
A method of experimentation on the nature/nurture problem in which the subjects are pairs of twins, one being assigned to the experimental condition and the other being assigned to the control condition.
In behavior genetics, research using the twin method, the member of the pair who is tested later to determine whether he or she has the same diagnosis or trait discovered in his or her birth partner, the index case: co-twin control.
An acronym for certified occupational therapy assistant.
Costo-vertebral angle
The angle by the spinal column and the 12th rib. This is the general anatomic location of the kidneys.
Cost-of-living escalators
Pay adjustments geared to increase the Consumer Price Index.
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