Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Cross-sex typing
Having interest and attributes stereotypically classed as appropriate for the opposite sex.
A situation in which an allergy to one drug warns of possible similar reactions to other, chemically related substances.
Cross-sectional study
Cross-sectional research. The collection and analysis of information relating to persons in a population or group at a defined point in time, with particular reference to their individual characteristics and exposure to factors thought likely to predispose to disease.
Cross-sectional method
In epidemiology, a study design that shows concurrently existing characteristics and health outcomes.
Cross references
Alternative terms that might also be used to describe a particular word or phrase to which the reader is referred by an abstracting or indexing service.
Crossover unit
In genetics, a frequency of exchange of 1% between two pairs of linked genes, 1% of crossing over is equal to one unit on a linkage map crossing over.
Cross-model transfer
Being able to make use of information acquired through one sensory modality to solve some problem in another sensory modality. Being able to pick out by touch, for example, some object previously seen but not felt.
A determination of the compatibility of the blood from a donor with that of the recipient before a blood transfusion is conducted. Compatibility is determined by placing red blood cells of the donor in serum from the recipient and red blood cells of the recipient in the serum of the donor. The absence of agglutination…
Dressing in the clothes of the other sex for sexual arousal. The practice of wearing clothes usually worn by people of the opposite sex, e.g. by transvestites. In certain societies, there exists a practice where individuals don clothing and accessories that are traditionally associated with the opposite gender.
Cross-cultural research
Ethnographic research.
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