Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Individual sports
Physical activities that require only one participant, e.g., jogging, golf.
Individual plan
An insurance plan sold to a person rather than to a group. Such plans tend to be more expensive and narrower in coverage than a group plan.
Individual objectives
Personal objectives formulated by each member of an organization that outline how he or she could improve the functioning of the organization.
Individually prescribed instruction (IPI)
An individualized learning program that follows a formalized structure that leads to the achievement of behavioral objectives.
Individually guided education (IGE)
An individualized educational plan in which the teacher and students plan the learning objectives and how best to achieve them.
Individualized learning
A means of arranging the learning environment so that all learners have the opportunity to satisfy their health needs and interests according to their personal capabilities, at times and in ways best suited to their motivation and speed of learning. It is the use of methods, techniques, or strategies that influence the learning of each…
Individualized language plan (ILP)
A language learning program designed to fit each student’s language skills and background. Similar to an IEP, students who are challenged in the area of language are targeted by such a plan.
Individualized instruction
Educational activities that are tailored to the needs and interests of individual learners. Each student receives his or her own learning plan, associated activities, and evaluation mechanisms, individualized learning.
Individual financing
In health care and health services, the financing of health costs without the benefit of any prepayment or insurance plan.
Individual education program (IEP)
A specially planned instruction program and evaluation designed for a particular handicapped learner. This program is required by Public Law 94-142.
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