Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Inferential statistics
Estimations, generalizations, or predictions about a particular group.
The ability of microbes to lodge and multiply in a human host. The fact of being infective.
Infectious hepatitis
An acute infection of the liver caused by a virus. Transmitted from feces to hands to oral portal of entry. Characterized by fever, headaches, nausea, loss of appetite, tenderness, and pain in the region of the liver. Sometimes jaundice is present, serum hepatitis. Hepatitis A, transmitted by a carrier through food or drink. Inflammation of…
Infectious disease classification
Generally, classified according to mode of transmission: a. respiratory diseases, b. alvine discharge diseases, c. vector- borne diseases, and d. open lesion diseases.
Infectious disease
An illness caused by a microorganism, such as a virus or bacterium, that upon entering the body attacks a specific organ or organ system. A disease caused by microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses or fungi. Any disease caused by the invasion and multiplication of an invading pathogen. Disease caused by a pathogenic agent, such as…
Infectious agent
A disease-causing agent, such as bacteria or virus.
Infected partner
In regards to AIDS, a person in a sexual relationship who is carrying the AIDS virus (HIV) in his or her body.
To enter, invade, or inhibit another organism, causing infection or contamination. To contaminate someone or something with microorganisms that cause disease or toxins. To cause pathogenic organisms to be present in or upon, as to infect a wound. When an organism seeks to enter into a symbiotic relationship with another organism, it may do so…
Infant-mother attachment
The special affection ate relationship between a mother and child, providing the infant with security and comfort necessary for healthful development.
Infant mortality rate
The number of deaths under 1 year per 1000 live births in a given year. The number of infants who die per thousand births. Number of deaths of infants under 1 year of age per 1,000 live births in a given geographic region or institution in a given period (usually 1 year). The number of…
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