Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Information processing
The process whereby crude and new materials are refashioned into items of knowledge. The process includes perceptual organization, relationships, and significances.
Information-exchange interview
The acquisition or exchange of information or ideas.
Information appropriateness
The degree to which information is relevant to the decision-making process.
Informational content
The content areas related to health topics or issues, content areas.
Informational approach to curriculum development
Concerned with the acquisition of health knowledge and its comprehension and with application to the health issues being explored. This approach places emphasis on the acquisition of health facts.
Informational approach
A method of teaching concerned with the acquisition of health knowledge and its comprehension and with its application to the issues being explored.
Information age
A view of society that recognizes the increasing role of technology and resultant ease of communication and the sharing of information.
Conclusions derived from data analysis. Facts about something. A term generally used to mean data which have somehow been “digested” (manipulated, summarized, organized, or interpreted) so that inferences may more readily be drawn and decisions made than from “raw” data. Data that are interpreted, organized, structured, and given meaning.
Informal standard
Within a particular culture, the expectations of most of the people as to how to behave without it being mandated in law or religion or by some other controlling body.
Informal organizational communication
Organizational communication that does not follow the lines of communication set forth on the organizational chart.
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