Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Inspire

    To breathe in. To inhale air or a gas into the lungs.  

  • Inspiration

    The act of breathing in or drawing air into the lungs. The act of taking air into the lungs. Act of drawing air into the lungs. Contraction of the diaphragm causes the lungs to expand and air to flow in. The inhalation of air into the lungs. Inspiration involves contraction of the diaphragm and enlargement…

  • Inspectionalism


  • Inspection

    A process used to detect physical abnormalities by using the sense of sight. Visual observation of external surfaces or internal body cavities. Visual examination of the external surface of the body as well as of its movements and posture. The process of visually inspecting the body using the naked eyes, and if necessary, employing a…

  • In situ cancer

    Cancer confined to the site of origin. No metastasis has yet occurred.  

  • Insight therapy

    The general term for psychotherapy that is designed to enhance a patient’s insight into what motivates his or her behavior, thereby facilitating the resolution of conflicts that have caused problems for the patient.  

  • Insightful learning

    Learning that is characterized by understanding the relationships and significances between and among components of a problem, trial and error learning.  

  • Insidious onset

    In psychology, the gradual appearance of a psychotic disorder.  

  • Insidious disease

    A disease that is especially treacherous in that there are no previous warning signs and symptoms. A disease which causes damage before being detected.  

  • In-service training

    Educational programs directed toward advanced training or review training of persons in the profession and on the job. Clinical education designed to inform and update staff about important ongoing projects, technologies, and therapeutic agents.  

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