Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Intension movements

    In ethology pertain to displays that represent anticipations of an impending response..  

  • Intelligence test

    A standardized test of assessing a person’s mental ability, Stanford-Binet test; Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale. Tests intended to measure general mental abilities, dubbed “intelligence”; the validity of such tests has been greatly attacked in recent years, as it is unclear what intelligence tests actually measure (a question of content validity) and how well the tests…

  • Intellectual health

    Rational behavior.  

  • Intellectual development

    The development or maturation of the intellect.  

  • Integrity

    The acceptance of the self and the living up to one’s moral values. Having an undiminished or unimpaired state. The characteristic of doing what one knows is right. According to Erikson, the stage of feeling complete.  

  • Integration in curriculum

    Methods used to introduce a subject area in a particular educational situation so that subject areas are not treated separately, but logically as they relate to a broad unit of study, integrated health experiences.  

  • Integrated risk information system (IRIS)

    An online database built on the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which contains EPA carcinogenic and noncarcinogenic health risk and regulatory information on some 400 chemicals.  

  • Integrated health experiences

    Health learning that is a component of another curricular discipline, integrated health experiences.  

  • Insurance clause

    The statement in a health insurance policy or contract that indicates the parties involved and that states what is covered by the policy or contract. The clause which indicates the parties to a health or other insurance contract, sets forth the type of losses, benefits or services covered, and defines the benefits to be paid.…

  • Insurance

    Financial protection against injury, death, illness, or any of a variety of other losses. The contractual relationship which exists when one party, for a consideration, agrees to reimburse another for loss to a person or thing caused by designated contingencies. The first party is the insurer; the second, the insured; the contract, the insurance policy,…

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