Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Internal environment
Consists of the body’s processes that tend to maintain a state of homeostasis.
Internal cues
Sensations from within the body that provide information, external cues.
Internal committee
A committee completely made up of people within the organization.
Intermodal organization
In perception, the concentration of more than one sensory modality to the production of unified experience.
Intermittent duty
As applied to emergency situations, communications equipment that is not operational continuously, continuous duty.
Intermediate unit
A division of elementary school comprised of grades 4-6.
Intermediate school
A synonym for middle school. Alternate term for middle school; the term intermediate is sometimes used to refer to the upper elementary grades, 4 to 6.
Intermediate objectives
Targets to be achieved within 1-5 years.
Intermediate level of health
Health status measured in terms of temporary, curable conditions. Persons falling within this level of health have contracted or developed a disease condition that interferes with functioning ability, but with proper treatment will return to the primary level of health secondary level of health.
Intermediate level
Middle school.
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