Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
International education
The study of the educational, economic, political, and other social forces that affect international relations also includes programs to foster the development of nations.
Internal validity
The extent to which a particular variable being manipulated can be assigned the responsibility of the effect observed. The validity of the inferences drawn for the population under investigation. In general, internal validity can be influenced by three types of bias: (1) selection bias, (2) information bias, and (3) confounding bias. However, the distinction between…
Internal stimulus
A stimulus arising from inside the body.
Internal reliability
Similarity or consistency between the results of one part of a measurement and those of other parts or the whole of that being observed.
Internal relativity
Labeling that occurs when an individual imposes a label on him or herself.
Internal qualities
The qualities of a person that stem from within or from the internal environment.
Internal organizational diagnosis
The process of examining all factors within an organization that relate to its effectiveness in carrying out its mission.
Internal genitalia
The reproductive structures that are not visible by external examination, external genitalia.
Internal frustration
Barriers to goal achievement and need satisfaction arising from personal limitations or attitudes.
Internal evaluation
Evaluation by people within the organization.
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