Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Interstitial cell-stimulating hormone (ICSH)

    Associated with development of the testicles and the secretion of testosterone. A hormone produced by the pituitary gland which stimulates the formation of corpus luteum in females and testosterone in males.  

  • Interstitial cells

    Specialized cells in the testicles that produce the male sex hormone, testosterone. A testosterone-producing cell between the tubules in the testes. The cells interspersed between the seminiferous tubules of the testis. They secrete androgens in response to stimulation by luteinizing hormone from the anterior pituitary gland. Also called Leydig cells, these cells are scattered between…

  • Interstimulus interval

    In classical conditioning, the interval separating the conditioned stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus.  

  • Intersex

    An organism that displays phenotypic characteristics more-or-less intermediate between male and female. An organism that has both male and female characteristics. Person who has the characteristics of both sexes or who has external genitalia that are ambiguous or not appropriate to the normal male or female. An individual who shows anatomical characteristics of both sexes.…

  • Intersensory knowledge

    The ability to predict how one sense will interpret an object or event after experiencing it with another sense. For example, if we smell a new food, we can predict whether or not we will like its taste.  

  • Interpretive level of health

    Characterized by a person’s need to establish feelings of self-worth, to interact socially, and to behave in ways that result in personal satisfaction, growth, and actualization.  

  • Interposition

    A secondary cue to depth in which an object whose outline interrupts that of a second object is seen as nearer than the latter object.  

  • Interpersonal therapy

    Treatment that concentrates upon a person’s marital and family problems that may contribute to the emotional or other mental health problems. Used frequently to treat alcoholism interpersonal psychotherapy. Short-term form of psychotherapy for depression that focuses on the patient’s disturbed personal relationships that both cause and exacerbate the depression. Short term usually involves up to…

  • Interpersonal sexuality

    Mutual emotional and physical sexual relationships between people, intrapersonal sexuality. The sex drive within each person as manifested in sexual fantasies and masturbation interpersonal sexuality.  

  • Interpersonal relationship

    Social intercourse.  

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