Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
A state of warm friendship and the sharing of innermost feelings and emotions develops through long association with another person. A close familial, personal, or emotional relationship with another person.
Intestinal lipase
An enzyme that hydrolyzes medium- and short-chain triglycerides to glycerol plus short- and medium-chain fatty acids.
A person who dies without leaving a valid will.
A research technique in which an investigator or his or her representative seeks one-on-one information from the subject with respect to the issue being studied.
Interventricular septum
The tissue that separates the right and left side of the heart. A membrane between the right and left ventricles in the heart. The myocardial wall between the ventricles of the heart.
An active advocacy for change. Action to relieve a stressful situation or series of problems threatening someone’s health or welfare; generally called crisis intervention. A technique to encourage someone addicted to alcohol or drugs to enter treatment by telling that person to either recognize the disease or face its consequences, such as divorce or job…
Intervening variable
A hypothetical concept.
Interval scale
A scale in which equal differences between the scores can be treated as equal so that the scores can be added or subtracted, categorical scale; ordinal scale; ratio scale.
Intertrochanteric area
The area between the two trochanters of the femur.
Interstitial pneumonitis
An acute inflammation of the lungs.
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