Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
In utero
In the uterus. In, or while still inside, a woman’s womb. Literally ‘in the uterus’ and used to refer to events occurring to a baby before birth.
The invagination of a segment of the intestine into itself, most common in children.
Direct perception of truth, fact, etc., independent of any rational, logical process. The immediate understanding of a situation by someone without the customary mental process of reasoning.
Intrusion error
In verbal learning, an error of commission in which a correct item as a response elsewhere in the list occurs as a mistake.
A person who shows a strong tendency to find satisfaction in an inner fife of thought and fantasy. A person who thinks only about himself or herself and his or her own mental state. A personality type that is primarily concerned with and focused on internal events. Introverts tend to be withdrawn, shy, ill at…
Introversion/extraversion typology
The theory that persons may be divided into two types of personality (a) introverts and (b) extraverts.
Introspective method
Systematically begun in early twentieth century psychology, a process whereby trained subjects record their conscious experiences, thus giving a broader understanding of psychological processes.
Intropunitive aggression
Aggression directed against oneself, extrapunitive aggression.
Responding to frustration by tending to blame oneself.
The opening of the vagina. An opening into any hollow organ or canal. Entrance or opening to a hollow organ or hollow tube (e.g., the introitus of the vagina). An opening or entrance into a space or cavity. A broad expression denoting the opening into a bodily cavity or area. This term is frequently utilized…
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