Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Isolation of variables

    A mental process that allows one to distinguish which variable is causally related to another and which is not.  

  • Isolate

    Social isolate. To keep one person apart from others because he or she has a dangerous infectious disease. To identify a single virus, bacterium or other pathogen among many. To separate or quarantine from contact with other persons, as during an infectious disease.  

  • Isokinetic exercise

    Isokinetic exercise

    Activity involving contraction of muscles throughout the full range of motion possible, isometric exercise; isotonic exercise. An exercise with equipment that uses variable resistance to maintain a constant velocity of joint motion during muscle contraction, so that the force generated by the muscle is maximal through the full range of motion. Exercise that involves moving…

  • Isogamy

    Sexual reproduction in algae and fungi in which the gametes are all alike in size. Reproduction resulting from the conjugation of isogametes or identical cells.  

  • Isogamete

    A gamete of a type not exhibiting sexual or other differentiations. A cell that reproduces through conjugation or fusion with a similar cell.  

  • Isocarbosazid

    An MAO inhibitor used as an antidepressant.  

  • Isoagglutinogen

    An antigen such as A or B blood- type factor that normally occurs without artificial stimulation in an individual. One of the antigens naturally occurring on the surface of red blood cells that is attacked by an isoagglutinin in blood plasma of a different group, so causing agglutination.  

  • Islands (Islets) of langerhans

    Clusters of cells in the pancreas that produce insulin. Small clusters of cells in the pancreas that produce insulin.  

  • Ischium

    One of the bones of the pelvis. The lower part of the hip bone in the pelvis. Ischia, one of the three parts of the hip (innominate bone), the other two being the ilium and pubis. A bone forming the lower part of each side of the hip bone. Ischium is the bone which forms…

  • Ischiocavernous muscle

    The muscle that extends from the hip bone to the penis or clitoris.  

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