Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Just-world hypothesis
The belief that people can get what they deserve from life, and thus deserve what they get.
Just noticeable difference (JND)
Difference threshold.
Just cause
In law, what a person, given the conditions at the time and the standards of justice, would have done under similar circumstances.
Jury of executive opinion method
The process of gaining input from the various executives of an organization in predicting future sales of products or future programmatic needs as they see it.
Junk food
Foods very low in or lacking in essential nutrients. Food of little nutritional value, e.g. high-fat processed snacks, eaten between or instead of meals. A colloquial term for food that has limited nutritional value. Typically it refers to foods high in salt, sugar, fat, or calories, with low nutrient content. These include most salted snack…
Junior high school
A level of school organizational structure that generally includes grades 7 and 8 or grades 7, 8, and 9.
Jump kit
A closed container fitted with necessary portable equipment and supplies to be used in the emergency care of victims away from the ambulance.
Jugular veins
The main blood vessels collecting blood from the head and neck: (a) external bilateral are the major veins draining the scalp and face and (b) internal bilateral are the major veins draining the brain. One of the veins which pass down either side of the neck. Any of several veins in the neck that drain…
Jugular notch
The bony depression at the superior end of the manubrium stemi. A notch on the upper surface of the manubrium of the anterior superior chest between the two clavicular notches.
Pertaining to the neck or throat.
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