Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Papilloma viruses
A group of viruses that cause genital and other warts and are strongly linked to cervical cancer.
Pertaining to the pupil. Small, nipple-like, raised tissue. Related to the nipple of the breast. Having papillae or resembling a papilla.
Papaver somniferum
The botanical name for the opium poppy, from which raw opium is derived, opium.
An infection of all the sinuses.
A generalized severe inflammation of all the ocular structures. Inflammation involving the whole of the interior of the eye.
An unaccepted theory proposed by Darwin that all body cells give rise to minute particles called pangenes, which migrate to the germplasm and impress their characteristics upon the latter. Darwin’s expansive theory of heredity suggests that every part of the body releases “gemmules” that gather in the egg’s germ cells. As development proceeds, these gemmules…
A person who obtains customers for prostitutes pimp.
A widespread epidemic over a large geographic area. An epidemic disease which affects many parts of the world. Widespread epidemic, occurring throughout a country, geographic area, or the world. An epidemic disease that affects a large area, possibly one or more entire continents. A disease that affects greater numbers of people than usual across a…
Pancreatic cancer
A malignancy of the pancreas.
Pan American health organization (PAHO)
Established in 1902 under the authority of the Second International Conference of the American States in 1901. Its name was changed to the Pan American Sanitary Bureau in 1911. It is now one of the regional offices of the World Health Organization.
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