Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
The duct system within the female embryo that gives rise to several internal reproductive structures.
Paramedical practitioner
A person who assists a physician in providing health services.
Paralytic polio
A form of polio in which large numbers of motor nerves are destroyed by the polio virus. A severe form of poliomyelitis.
Paralytic ileuc
The obstruction of the intestines due to paralysis.
Paralysis agitans
Parkinson’s disease. A persistent medical condition marked by muscle stiffness, weakness, sluggishness in movement, trembling, and the bending of the head, trunk, and limbs. It often results in a facial expression that shows minimal or no emotional expression. This condition is also referred to as Parkinson’s disease.
The inability to move. There are two general forms: (a) spastic in which injury is located in the brain or spinal cord and (b) flaccid in which injury is located in a nerve between the spinal cord and the affected muscle. A condition in which part of the body cannot be moved because the motor…
Parallel play
Play that occurs alongside rather than with other children. The stage in social development in which a child plays alongside, but not with, other children; characteristic of toddlers.
Relating to audible components of speech that communicate meaning beyond the actual content of the words.
A nonbarbiturate sedative-hypnotic drug whose action on the central nervous system resembles that of alcohol. It was replaced by the barbiturates in medicinal use, and more recently with other sedative-hypnotic drugs. Colorless, strong-smelling liquid, formerly used to induce sedation; no longer manufactured, but experts recommend using remaining supplies of the drug until gone because of…
Paradoxical movement
The motion of an injured segment of a flail chest, opposite to the normal motion of the chest wall.
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